Jade meeting Levi

Jade meeting Levi

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shelf Reliance Consultant

So my Friends and Family and anyone else out there who reads this, I have just become a consultant for Shelf Reliance. They have great products: Food Storage, Emergency Kits, and Food Storage Shelves.

If anyone is interested in Hosting your own party I'd
love to do one for you, and the host benefits are great too!
Please feel free to email me, if you have any questions, at mweeks.thrive@gmail.com
You should also check out their website www.shelfreliance.com/michelleweeks


  1. My aunt Jamie just started doing this too! I was SO shocked at how GREAT the food tastes! It's awesome!

  2. I didn't have an email address for you, but wanted to say THANK YOU for all of the fun 4th of July ideas. I am looking for a potato gun as we speak!!

  3. So we just got back from the Jr. High football field where we spent the night with friends launching glow sticks in the air. We didn't use a potato launcher (we actually used the idea but powered it with an air compressor. It was AMAZINGLY FUN and you seriously saved our 4th of July!

    Thank you again for the great idea!!
