Jade meeting Levi

Jade meeting Levi

Saturday, January 16, 2010

4 new catch up posts...

Jades hair is getting so long.  It's fun when she'll let me do it, she looks so grown up too. If i don't pull it back it gets so tangly, oh well!

The other day i was letting her feed herself, she was being so goofy.  She would put the spoon in the bowl and then with her mouth she would pick up the spoon with her teeth. 
oh look at that crazy hair!  She is such a little goofer!

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning started out a little after 8 so we got to sleep in a little bit.  I was so excited to give Jade and Jevan their gifts.  My favorite thing i gave Jade was this big elephant.  It is almost 3 ft tall and you can sit on it, it is also very soft and fuzzy.  This pic is her running to it. 

It was fun to watch her open all her other presents, and she even helped us open ours.

Our tree, I decided to buy some new ornaments this year.  The colors were so cute. 

Christmas Tree cutting

After Thanksgiving in Vernal we stopped on our way home and cut our Christmas Tree. It was freezing but Jade loved hiking around in the snow and cold. 
Here is our huge but beautiful tree. Yeah we finally found our tree!Jevan and his brother Jake and his friend Mommo, tying our tree so it would travel back to Cache Valley. 

thanksgiving turkeys!

I made these cute little treats for my co-workers for thanksgiving.  I got the idea off my friends blog called Craft Rookie.  She always has fun holiday and craft ideas. 

I was feeling pretty crafty in November.  I also made this whole shirt for Jade.  Her little hand is the turkey, it even has feet and a beat and a gobbler.  I have to say I think it turned out so cute!